2012, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2012; 23 (4)
Cuban most productive biomedicine scientists in Medline in the period 1996-2011
Hernández-Ferreras K, Cárdenas-de-Baños L, Fundora-Mirabal J, Dorta-Contreras AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 25
PDF size: 411.08 Kb.
Cuba is a country with a large number of researchers and academics but without great quantity of published papers. The aim of this paper is to characterize the scientific production in the Cuban medical sciences throughout the most productive authors and to evaluate their experience in this topic. GoPubMed data base was employed using Cuba as filter Word. The productivity of the twenty most productive Cuban authors in PubMed, GoPubMed and Scopus databases was determined including H index. A questionnaire was sent to each author by email. Among the most important collected variables are the time between their graduation and the appearance of their first paper, favourite publishing language, and knowledges and use of bibiiometric tools. There is a relationship between the total paper published by the author and the number of paper recovered by Scopus. A statistically significant correlation was produced between PubMed and GoPubMed but Scopus. More quantity of recovered papers from Scopus database produced more citations in such database. The most productive authors do not take advantage on the knowledge that the citation offers to make scientific developmental strategies. They prefer to publish in English language and they don't have a unique way to sign their papers.
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