2012, Number 4
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Acta Med Cent 2012; 6 (4)
Behavior of tuberculosis. XX Aniversario Polyclinic
Bermúdez MLP, Pérez BE, Jiménez AA, Batista HN, RodriguezGallo TMC, Martínez BY
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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In recent years there has been worldwide emergence or re-emergence of epidemiological “events”, among then the increase of tuberculosis, one of the more serious public health problems in the world.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of tuberculosis in the
XX Aniversario Polyclinic during 2006-2010.
Material and Method: An observational, retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted on the behavior of tuberculosis in the XX Aniversario Polyclinic in Santa Clara, from January 2006 to December 31, 2010. The 40 cases reported during this period were studied. The information was obtained from a review of the epidemiological histories of patients, and a review of documents in the Statistics Department and the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the polyclinic. Absolute and relative frequencies were considered and were reflected in tables.
Results: It was shown that tuberculosis occurs most frequently in patients between 30 and 59 years of age, and in males. Pulmonary location is the most frequent one, and the contact with tuberculosis patients, alcoholism, and smoking are the predominant risk factors.
Conclusions: Tuberculosis remains a health problem in our polyclinic, mainly in people who are still young. The most common form of appearance is the pulmonary one, and the existence of multiple risk factors play an important role in this.
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