2012, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2012; 13 (3)
Dimensiones de la seguridad alimentaria desde la optica nutriologica
Cossío PLM, Alonso RME, Herrera TM, Matamoros MJA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 60.23 Kb.
Food security is, in principle, an almost instinctive impulse of human groups to ensure their survival against shortages
and has become a matter of national security because of the economic policy of global order that has caused internal
imbalances. Quantification of food insecurity at the national make a substantial contribution in defining the objectives
in the short, medium and long term programs to combat hunger and assessing their impact. Furthermore, the
identification of those most at risk will guide the efforts of such programs to the most vulnerable groups. On the other
hand it is clear that households need to generate sufficient and stable income to enable them to meet basic needs
steadily and rescue building and agriculture, both for consumption and for the generation of food for the rest of the
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