2012, Number 3
La dieta y su importancia en la caries dental
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 99% of the world's population suffer or have suffered from tooth decay, so its impact physical, social, psychological and financial support are important, Mexico is among the countries with a high frequency range in oral disease. The DMFT results provide information on the number of teeth needing treatment, as well as number of people in need, and proportion of treated teeth and total tooth already erupted; this information to identify care needs of the population to study. The significance of these data contributes to the establishment of institutional policies specific oral health, to advocate more effectively on the health of individuals There is a positive correlation of the cariogenic potential of foods consumed and the DMFT, given the need for treatment in college students. Observational, cross-sectional descriptive and correlational study of 111 college seniors graduate, intraoral examination was performed to calculate the DMFT Index and Index of Treatment Needs by decay, to others a survey to measure risk cariogenic; to perform the statistical analysis we used Excel 2007 ®.One was that 66,67% of the population belonged to the femenine and 33,30% to the masculine, with an average of 22,09 ± 2.02 age; the 9,09% of the studied population are free of decay, the average of DMFT found in the study population was of 9,73 ± 5,16 , while only 79.1% of these pieces had no need for any treatment and 43% have a need for treatment good, only 10.8% of the population carry a low risk diet cariogenic. No correlation was found between oral health indicators and risk cariogenic, but found that there is a statistically significant 95% between age and DMFT (r = 0.218, t = 2.34) and between DMFT and the need treatment (r = 0.558, t = 7.028). We observed a similar behavior of the indices calculated in this population and results in Latin America. By another side, we observed that there is no difference between the studied indices of oral health between gendersREFERENCES
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