2012, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2012; 13 (2)
La toma de decisiones en salud pública: una revisión del procedimiento desde el enfoque racional
Ramos HIM, González CME, Tetelboin HC
Language: Spanish
References: 112
PDF size: 109.34 Kb.
A review that contextualizes and defines the use of cognitive skills for decision-making within the field of public
health, and discusses how they can be developed in the field of training of human resources in health. Was
conducted documentary research literature on the subject, taking as a guideline to follow the lead authors and
references to 2005. The documents found were subject to a selection process by relevance of the topic and were
subjected to content analysis. Since the proposal of Herbert Simon in 1956 the theory of decision making is defined
and is subsequently a number of authors who analyze the process and identify and operationalize cognitive skills that
generate it. The decision making process coincides with a rational order processing heuristic or random order. The
authors agree that decision making is an intellectual process that must be exercised and evaluated in the staff
working in the field of public health, should be part of the skills of health workers.
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