2012, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2012; 14 (3)
Amiopatic dermatomyositis. Case presentation
García GAD, Romero GP, Gómez DY, Fernández QY
Language: Spanish
References: 10
PDF size: 167.67 Kb.
Background: Dermatomyositis is an infrequent disease. The cutaneous lesions are predominant and stay for long periods or permanently until it is manifested in its classical way.
Case presentation: Patient who was assisted in the dermatology service of Camilo Cienfuegos University Hospital who lesions in the skin compatible with this disease without any manifestation of muscular weakness or any other accompanying sign or symptom for more than a year. This patient has several treatments until she was assessed by a multidisplinary staff to confirm the diagnosis of amiopatic dermatomyositis.
Conclusion: With the treatment her symptomatology improved and was discharged with follow up in her health area.
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