2011, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2011; 49 (5)
Ethics and teaching medicine. A principples declaration
García-Vigil JL, García-Mangas JA, Ocampo-Martínez J, Martínez-González A
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 571-574
PDF size: 35.07 Kb.
The medicine is an older profession along twenty-four centuries. The ethical principles were assumed since the beginning and have enriched through the time, the culture and the traditions. The stone corner of the moral commitment of physicians with the patient and medical students, has been deteriorated due to a values crisis that it had been became in a lack of personalized and humanized care in “
altars of the progress”, characterized by fragmentation of the medical care, excessive use of the technology and merchandize of medicine, where the profits is a priority over the human needs. The effects are unconsciousness and a lack of professional values, which are expressed as disloyalty, deficient solidarity, diminution of the confidence, inequality and lack of honesty, affecting to the patients and the whole medical relations. The problem is also extended to the medical education, when the students follow the same way to practice of physician. To be a really educating physician in medicine implies an indissoluble educational symbiosis (teacher-student). When there is an ethical deterioration the immediate task is to propose alternative ethical and morals rules in the medical education, which feed on the values and traditional medicine principles.
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