2001, Number 2
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2001; 64 (2)
Cardiopulmonary haemodynamic in chronic neumologic patients. A clinical comment
Cueto-Robledo G, Pérez-Rosales A, Escosura-Romero G, Navarro-Reynoso F, Mares-Gutiérrez Y, Torres-Pérez E, Pérez-Romo A, Cicero-Sabido R
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 91-96
PDF size: 50.75 Kb.
Pulmonary chronic diseases are frequently associated with chronic cor pulmonale and pulmonary hypertension, both diseases have a poor survival prognosis. This article review the physiopathological causes of pulmonary hypertension in chronic pulmonary diseases, interstitial lung diseases and sleep obstructive apnea. The pulmonary hypertension have some etiological factors like than vasoactive factors (chronic hipoxia, acidosis, etc), passive factors (venocapilary hypertension, increased lung blood flow, obstruction and vascular damage). Other factors are decrease lung blood flow, increased of airway resistance and secondary erhytrocytosis. The knowledgment of the physiopathological factors of these diseases and the degree of the pulmonary hypertension must be documented from the study of the pulmonary circulation with right cardiac catheterism. This actions must be done in departments of hemodynamics in hospitals with teaching programs for lung physician.
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