2012, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2012; 28 (6)
Bioethical considerations in the care of aging
Piña BOI
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 603-607
PDF size: 169.51 Kb.
Assembly on Aging, in Madrid in April 2002, that an International Plan of Action on Aging was signed for the majority of the UNO-members.
Since that time, issues relevant to older adults have assumed greater social importance. In the next 30 years, the demands of appropriate
health and social services to support active aging will be increased. These challenges include discussions about allotment, priorities,
financial resources, and adequate professional human workers. We need a focus based in gerontology and bioethics more than only in a
geriatric medicine and administrative.
There is a need for human resources to be trained and educated to understand the different health and social needs of an aging population
e.g. gerontologist and bioethicists. In the meantime, all of us, whom have some experience, information or knowledge in those themes,
must share, e.g. among the medical professionals.
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