2012, Number 5
Predictive capacity of the teaching indicators in association with the results of the final examination in Clinical Propedeutics
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 139-151
PDF size: 441.15 Kb.
Introduction: reaching the highest quality to train health professionals is a challenge of the institutions committed to the Revolution and people. When talking about the term evaluation, it is necessary to understand that it focuses on verifying the way the process and results behave in view of the educational practice.Objective: to assess the predictive capacity of the teaching indicators in association with the results on the theoretical and practical final examination of Clinical Propedeutics.
Material and Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted at Dr. "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" Medical School, Pinar del Rio. The target group included 318 students in the third academic year of medical studies from "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, "Leon Cuervo Rubio" General Provincial Hospital, Central Venue along with "Raul Sanchez", "Pedro Borras" and "Hermanos Cruz" outpatient polyclinics, all them belonging to the Municipal University Venue in Pinar del Rio; 160 students chosen by means of a simple-at random sample which represented the 60% of those who were evaluated. Data were presented in tables of frequency of distribution and contingency, concerning quantitative variables, the statistics of central trends and dispersion were analyzed in order to describe the behavior of this type of variable. Chi square test was used to determine the existence or not of correlation among the variables.
Results: the predictive capacity of the teaching indicators, in addition to the entrance academic score and closing of the second academic year in relation to the teaching results on the final examination of Clinical Propedeutics was verified.
Conclusions: no relationship was observed among the results in the theoretical examination as well as the basis for scientific knowledge and the demonstration of practical abilities as a sample that knowledge was achieved.
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