2012, Number 5
Social impact of rehabilitation rooms in Pinar del Rio municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 44-55
PDF size: 255.87 Kb.
Introduction: rehabilitation is aimed at providing the recovery and reinsertion of people suffering from physical-motor disabilities.Objective: to determine the social impact of the rehabilitation rooms in Pinar del Rio municipality during 2009-2011.
Material and Method: an observational, descriptive, cross sectional and applied research was conducted. To process the information and to perform the univariable and bivariable statistical analysis a database was designed using a database on Access program and SPSS14.0® statistical package.
Results: the number of cases treated increased gradually regarding the years of services up to a total of 44408 (100%), where "Hermanos Cruz" outpatient clinic stood out per health areas (34%). The most frequent disease treated was arthropaty (47,7%), and kinesiotherapy (28,9%) respectively; 73,5% started physical-rehabilitation before 3 days and 94% less than 45 minutes of stay. The average stay of treatment in the room was 15-21 days (46%). The quality of services perceived by the patients and the resolution rate were superior in 90% of the cases. Reinsertion of patients to working activities reached 66,7%. The unitary cost initially decreased up to 1,13 to increase later up to 1,30. Satisfaction degree achieved 94%.
Conclusions: the social impact of rehabilitation rooms concerning the quality of health care for these kinds of patients was accomplished.
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