2012, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (2)
Ultrasound diagnosis of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in a 52 year old woman
Romero-Hernández JJ, Lozano-Corona MA, Díaz-Méndez M, Aspeitia-León JA, Hernández-Díaz V, Magaña-Cabrera D
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 189-192
PDF size: 63.21 Kb.
The abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is defined as increasing
the diameter of the aorta in more than 50 % of its original size
and the infra-renal location is the most common (90 %). AAA
disease mainly affects older men and white smokers, and has a
male: female ratio of 4:1, as well the diagnosis is rare in women
under age 55. Aneurysm rupture is the most common complication
and cause of death in the general population, its etiology is
unclear, but is commonly associated with atherosclerosis. The
AAA do not exhibit rupture and it is usually asymptomatic diagnosed
incidentally, however, as the aneurysm grows, appears
symptoms such as back pain, abdominal or groin pain, well as
palpation of a pulse mass on umbilical and supra-umbilical region.
Imaging study such as ultrasound and CT scan are the
mainstay of diagnosis. We present a case of 52 years old patient
with no history related to the diagnosis, who presented
sudden and severe abdominal pain. She was admitted to the
emergency room with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis vs. acute
pancreatitis. After ultrasound and CT studies, the diagnosis was
a complicated abdominal aortic aneurysm.
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