2012, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (2)
Satisfaction in the relationship between family and work of workwomen
Sánchez-Castillo CV
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 135-140
PDF size: 33.10 Kb.
Background: balance between work and family is difficult for
women. The laboral participation of women has been associated
with increased family dysfunction. This situation arises the
interest in determining the existence of the relationship between
family satisfaction and work in the workwomen.
Methods: we applied the test relations between family and work
of Fernando Arias to 143 female medical residents, 100 teachers
and 100 housewives of the state of Sinaloa. Satisfaction
was determined based on demographic characteristics.
Results: eighty five percent felt a satisfactorily reconcile between
work and family roles. The teachers were better reconcile work
and family relationship OR = 3.12 (1.16-8.65)
p = 0.02. The
more satisfied professionals relate on a personal level OR = 1.88
p = 0.05 and OR = 2.92 labor (1.38-6.28)
p = 0.03.
Conclusions: there are many factors that affect settlement or conflict
in the family and work. The importance of this situation is that
the family is the foundation of society and achieve a fit between
these two areas that would make families more functional.
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