2012, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (5)
Weight loss in overweight or obese patient and family functioning
Jaramillo-Sánchez R, Espinosa-de Santillana I, Espíndola-Jaramillo IA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 487-492
PDF size: 164.59 Kb.
Objective: to determine the association between weight loss
and family functioning.
Methods: a cohort of 168 persons with overweight or obesity
from 20-49 years, either sex, with no comorbidity was studied at
the nutrition department. A sociodemographic data was obtained
and FACES III instrument to measure family functioning
was a-pplied. At the third month a new assessment of the body
mass index was measured. Descriptive statistical analysis and
relative risk were done.
Results: obesity presented in 50.6 %, 59.53 % of them did not
lose weight. Family dysfunction was present in 56.6 % of which
50 % did not lose weight. From 43.4 % of functional families,
9.52 % did not lose weight (p = 0.001). The probability or risk
of not losing weight was to belong to a dysfunctional family is
4.03 % (CI = 2.60-6.25).
Conclusions: A significant association was found between the
variables: weight loss and family functioning. Belonging to a
dysfunctional family may be a risk factor for not losing weight.
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