2011, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2011; 49 (3)
Clinical guideline for diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure
Castaño-Guerra R, Medina-González MC, de la Rosa-Rincón RL, Loría-Castellanos J
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 315-324
PDF size: 61.27 Kb.
Hypertension is a disease with numerous etiologies which consequences
led to systemic vascular damage leading to other cardiovascular
diseases increasing morbi-morbility. Clinically it goes
through a prolonged asymptomatic phase that prevents early diagnosis.
Today, a high prevalence is reported in our country so that it
is considered a public health issue. The purpose of this guide is to
be a useful tool to be used to define the Arterial Hypertension or
high blood pressure concept, its epidemiology, prevalence, classification
and, according to these concepts, in order to establish a
proper treatment program emphasizing the preventive side of the
disease in primary care units.
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