2011, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2011; 49 (4)
Evaluation of a rapid immunological test for tuberculosis diagnosis
García-Cruz AE, Olvera-Castillo R, Hernández-Zarza NM, Antuna-Puente B, Uribe-Campero L, Rivas-Ruiz R, González-Canudas J
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 373-379
PDF size: 53.90 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate a Mexican rapid immunologic test (PRIM)
for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).
Methods: a diagnostic test was evaluated at the National Institute
of Respiratory Diseases in Mexico City. Class 3 of the American
Thorax Society (ATS) for tuberculosis (TB) was considered
for PTB. Physical examination, sputum smear, chest X-ray and
PRIM were performed to all participants.
Results: a total of 143 patients were included (mean age was 41
years). Seventy two patients were classified as PTB and 71 as
latent TB infection (LTBI) or healthy. The sensibility of the rapid
immunologic test (RIT) was 79.2 % (CI 95 % = 67.2-87.5), the
specificity 100 % (CI 95 % = 93.6-100), Positive predictive value
(PV) 100 % (CI 95 % = 92.1-100) and negative PV 82.6 % (CI 95
% = 72.5-89.6). The positive likelihood ratio was 563 (CI 95 % =
Conclusions: the RIT showed a high sensibility and specificity.
Results demonstrate the potential of the RIT for identifying patients
with active pulmonary TB.
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