2012, Number 5
Microbial resistance of isolated germs in patients of the intermediate and intensive care units. University Clinico-Surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez. 2010
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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For contributing to the antibiotics rational usage we need a fast diagnosis allowing determining the etiologic agent and its sensibility at the moment of beginning the patient’s attention. Thus, it is unavoidable the existence of a surveillance program allowing to know the local patterns of susceptibility and resistance. We carried out the current cross-sectional observational descriptive study with the objective of analyzing the antimicrobial resistance level of the germs isolated in the intermediate and intensive care units of the University Clinico-Surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez, of Matanzas, during 2010. We worked with the total of the positive strains obtained from the in-patients of the before mentioned units. To collect the information we reviewed the microbiological records kept in the laboratory. To determine the germs resistance and susceptibility, we applied the method of agar diffusion in a plate of Mueller-Hinton, reading the results according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard. The main obtained results showed that Gram negative germs represented the highest percent of isolation in the study. Among the Gram positive germs that were isolated are the negative Staphylococcus coagulasa and the Staphylococcus aureus. The Gram negative germs showed a high resistance to the cephalosporin, while the Gran positive ones showed a high resistance to the penicillin, the oxacillin and the kanamycin. The germs isolated more frequently in a culture of endotracheal secretion were the BFN, the enterobacter and the pseudomona aeruginosa, and showed a remarked resistance to the cephalosporin.REFERENCES
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