2012, Number 12
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2012; 80 (12)
Operative office hysteroscopy using Bipolar technology. Our experience in seven years
Alanís FJ, Mancera PÓA, Lara FJG
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 749-752
PDF size: 178.53 Kb.
Background: In the last decade have developed small diameter
instruments with pods streaming and highly efficient working channels
that allow outpatient surgical procedures.
Objective: To evaluate the utility of operative office hysteroscopy
with the use of the bipolar electrosurgical system. We analyzed
clinical characteristics, results and patient acceptability.
Material and methods: We performed a descriptive study of 1591
hysteroscopies, using an office hysteroscopic procedure with
Bipolar technology;
with a 5.5 mm rigid hysteroscope Bettocchi type.
Results: The mean operating time was 8 min. The most common
procedure was polypectomy. Severe pain and/or vagal reflex occurred
in less than 0.7% of the patients.
Conclusions: The Bipolar technology facilitates operative office
hysteroscopy and allows resectoscopy to be reserved for the treatment
of special cases. Patient acceptability is high.
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