2012, Number 3
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2012; 57 (3)
Cacao & chocolate: seduction and therapeutics
Waizel-Haiat S, Waizel-Bucay J, Magaña-Serrano JA, Campos-Bedoya P, San Esteban-Sosa JE
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 236-245
PDF size: 115.33 Kb.
Introduction: We describe some aspects relative to chocolate from a bio-cultural perspective, which seek to articulate the biological, medical & social aspects to obtain a comprehensive vision. A descriptive overview of cacao (
Theobroma cacao); it’s scientific and common synonymy; it’s possible Mesoamerican origin; the diversity of uses: therapeutic, rituals, alimentary, and as «money»; historical information, phytochemistry and geographical distribution. It’s a plant with strong cultural roots in Mexico and great economic value.
Objective: Collect information concerning chocolate & cacao plant and resume characteristics.
Conclusions: Question widely widespread myths that weigh on this plant and its importance in general as: aphrodisiac, antitussive, energizing, stimulating nervous and heart, galactogogue, laxative, pectoral and its potential employment in the treatment of numerous diseases, such as: bronchitis, fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, climacteric & kidney, liver, nervous, skin problems, sore teeth and head, among others.
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