2012, Number 604
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2012; 69 (604)
Tumor del vértice pulmonar superior como causa del síndrome de Pancoast
Vargas SY
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 529-532
PDF size: 161.64 Kb.
Bronchial cancer is one of the
most significant malignant
neoplasis by its increasing
incidence and high mortality,
and largely preventable through
smoking control. (2) Pancoast´s
síndrome is produced by an
apical lung tumor, with a local
extensión to brachial plexus,
paravertebral sympathetic
chain, vertebral bodies and
first, second ans third ribs. Its
major cause is the non-small cell
lung cancer,and this syndrome
may produce shoulder pain
and Horner´s syndrome. The
best diagnostic method is
transthoracic needle aspiration,
because of its peripheral
location. Neoadjuvant
chemoradiotherapy followed
by complete surgical excision is
the preferred approach to these
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