2012, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2012; 38 (4)
Methodological proposal for the evaluation of the working processes in the anti-vector surveillance and fight departments
Noriega BVM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 629-639
PDF size: 60.91 Kb.
The evaluation of the anti-vector surveillance and fight departments is a necessity resulting from their tasks in the health areas and the problems detected in their performance. The little scientific evidence on the work of these departments show that the efforts have been so far directed to evaluate specific aspects of their programs such as suitability of activities, adequacy of resources and results according to particular objectives; but not to how the working processes are managed. However, the frequency of epidemiological events due to the increased infestation indexes by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes makes it necessary to take a holistic look at the working processes to control the vector. The objective of this article was to show the steps followed in the design of a methodological proposal for the evaluation of the anti-vector surveillance and fight departments on the basis of the control processes of Aedes aegypti at the primary health care. The methodological proposal was substantiated on diagnostic evaluations and was designed to be flexible enough to adapt and use it in other organizational units of the hygiene and epidemiology sphere. It is expected that the implementation of this methodology allow determining the organizational and functional elements of the above-mentioned departments, which could have an effect on the quality of work and the effectiveness of the decision-making.
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