2012, Number 4
Usefulness of the classification of causes of inappropriate lengths of stay for the hospital management
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 581-590
PDF size: 57.11 Kb.
Introduction: the search for the hospital management efficiency encourages the use of management indicators that detect and assess inappropriate lengths of hospital stay.Objective: to design a classification of the causes that determine inappropriate lengths of hospital stay, adjusted for the Argentinean health system setting.
Methods: twenty five articles, both in English and Spanish, published from 1990 to 2009 in Argentinean journals and in those of other nations, were reviewed. For this search, the generic Internet's searchers and the main databases such as Medline, Cochrane, Lilacs, and others were consulted. The key words were inappropriateness, inappropriate hospital stays, the appropriateness evaluation protocol, factors associated with inappropriate hospitalization days, uso inadecuado de la hospitalización, length of stay.
Results: it is necessary to differentiate incomes from inappropriate lengths of stay. The designed classification included the following causes: 1. Difficulties in hospital planning and management, 2. The physician's responsibility, 3.The responsibility of the patient's family, 4. The responsibility of the health care system.
Conclusions: the design of this classification is a useful tool to implement hospital management indicators involving the length of hospital stay.
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