2012, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2012; 84 (4)
Sagittal sinus thrombosis in a newborn
Hernández LL, Hernández LO, Vara COL, Sánchez MIA, Sarmiento PY, Crespo CA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 110.50 Kb.
Dural venous sinus thrombosis is a rare devastating disease. It is generally found in females and old people, but is infrequent in children; however, it is already recognized as a morbidity and mortality cause in the pediatric population. Few cases of newborns with this disease have been reported worldwide; most of them were poorly studied and had fatal outcomes. Here is the presentation of a newborn with sagittal sinus thrombosis, who managed to survive. The predisposing factors for the disease were neonatal asphyxia, severe dehydration together with the use of central venous line and extended immobilization. Although contrast CAT is not the ideal study, it helped to promptly arrive at the right diagnosis in this case. The early treatment based on anticoagulants allowed rapid recovery and facilitated venous retaking of the involved venous sinus. No neurological sequels have been so far detected and the psychomotor development of the child is good.
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