2012, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2012; 84 (4)
Ethical aspects in Pediatrics, the primary immunodeficiencies
Paradoa PML
Language: Spanish
References: 42
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Primary immunodeficiencies are genetic diseases characterized by devastating chronic infections leading to death, tumor development and autoimmune diseases, and most of diseases occur at pediatric ages. Since the last decade of the past century, the development of technology, the emergence of the Human Genome Project and the in-depth consideration of bioethical aspects have given rise to specificities in the medical and research care for the pediatric patients and for those suffering immunological diseases. This paper covered the most important bioethical aspects and the ethical dilemmas that the pediatric immunologist faces when taking care of a primary immunodeficiency patient, who practically requires the attention of all the pediatric specialties.
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