2012, Number 2
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Rev Cub Oftal 2012; 25 (2)
Corneal thickness and the epidemiological and physiological variables seen in the glaucoma risk population
Triana CI, Valdivia BYT
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 155.06 Kb.
Objective: to characterize the central corneal thickness seen in patients with simple chronic glaucoma risk factors.
Methods: a prospective longitudinal, descriptive, observational, and epidemiological study was conducted in the Glaucoma Service of “Dr. Salvador Allende” hospital during 2010. The universe of study was made up of 1 238 patients that went to the ophthalmological service due to asthenopic symptoms. Taking the inclusion and exclusion criteria into account, the final sample was composed by 656 patients with glaucoma risk factors, 19 of whom were excluded because of 10 µm and over difference in the corneal thickness between the eyes. The analyzed variables were corneal thickness, age, sex, race and intraocular pressure.
Results: Among the patients with glaucoma risk factors, there was predominance of 50 to 59 years old people (22.76 %), males (60.28 %) and non-Caucasians (57.29 %). The corneal thickness decreased (61.85 %) and the intraocular pressure increased (55.41 %), even adjusted (46.93 %).
Conclusions: the relationship between the decrease of the corneal thickness and the age, the feminine sex, the non Caucasian race and the increased intraocular pressure was proven in those patients suspected of glaucoma.
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