2012, Number 3
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Rev Biomed 2012; 23 (3)
Social determinants related with treatment of Tuberculosis in Yucatan
Heredia-Navarrete MR, Puc-Franco M, Caamal-Ley Á, Vargas-González A
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 113-120
PDF size: 211.73 Kb.
Introduction. TB is associated with poverty,
malnutrition and poor sanitary conditions.
When coupled with HIV co-infections and the
emergence of drug-resistant TB strains, these
factors are considered to be the primary causes
of continuing TB infection rates. Knowledge of
TB, socioeconomic levels, and levels of medical
care are important elements for patient adherence
to the treatments. This research explores the
importance of patient’s social determinants
during the treatment of the disease.
Materials and Methods. This study included
quantitative, qualitative, non-experimental,
transectional, descriptive and correlational
evaluations on a group of 31 patients in the State
of Yucatan. Likert format survey protocols were
applied, to measure determining social factors
and the rates of patient adherence to treatment
Results. 83.8% of the interviewees belong
to a low socio-economic level. 61.3% live in
extreme poverty. 83.4% attended in health centers
close to their home and mentioned that the
medical personnel instructions were confusing
and that they found the diagnostic procedures
uncomfortable and annoying. 54.8% knew little
or nothing of the disease and feared family
or community rejection. Medication caused
discomfort in 80.6% of the patients and 16.1%
left treatment, dropping out of the study.
Discussion. Yucatán’s problems for TB treatment
are related with social determinants like
education, socioeconomical level and the patient
perceptions. For these reasons we determined
that patients must be properly educated and
informed about TB. Improved patient-doctor
relationship and adequate training of the medical
personnel can signifi cantly contribute to better
control of tuberculosis in Yucatan, since these
are key factors in keeping patients in treatment
programs and better controlling the disease.
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