2012, Number 4
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Rev Mex Anest 2012; 35 (4)
Internet resources for anesthesiologists
Cortés-Peralta A
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 293-303
PDF size: 150.40 Kb.
With the advent of the Internet, transmission of scientific information became accessible and effective, thereby contributing to a change in training in health services; immersed in this swing Anesthesiology has kept pace, there have been too many technological devices as well of increasingly compact computers; now has the Smartphone, iPAD, PDA, Tablet, with large memory capacity and advanced programs of interest to the anesthesiologist; these resources provide us access to various web portals existing educational or training network to document such as libraries, magazines, books, also to enter real-time videoconferencing or use which have been filed, as well as podcasts and social networks, managers are useful references; but it is also possible to interact in forums anesthetics discussion to expose cases of high complexity. The objective of this review was to locate resources that can serve the anesthesiologist to perform their activities and updates. The ability to access these resources provide us with learning but also encourages us to contribute to spreading the teaching of research work performed in our hospitals or developing various software utility for anesthesiology.
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