2012, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2012; 17 (3)
Effects of cadmium on health
Pérez GPE, Azcona CMI
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 199-205
PDF size: 177.76 Kb.
Cadmium is not found in the environment as a pure metal; it is more abundant in nature as complex oxides, sulfides and carbonates
in zinc, lead and copper ores. Cadmiun is relatively inexpensive being a byproduct of the processing of more valuable metals such
as zinc and copper. The wide application of cadmiun in electroplating, galvanostelgia, and galvanizing, as well as its use in plastics,
pigments to create dyes, paints and pottery, and nickel-cadmium batteries, are due to its great resistance to the corrosion and its
electrochemical properties. Heavy metals constitute a considerable risk to health because of frequent contact labor and environmental.
Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are amongst the most dangerous metals. Food and cigarettes are the main sources of cadmium
exposure in general population and usually this is of chronic character. The toxic effects of cadmium are manifested mostly in the
bones and kidneys, and people with low iron reserves are especially vulnerable to these adverse effects. It is in our best interest to
report and point out the effects caused by the metal considered one of the most dangerous according to the US Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry, reason for which it is of great toxicological interest to continue boosting health education to prevent
environmental pollution by cadmium exposure.
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