2012, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2012; 28 (3)
Platelet Functional spectrum: from Hemostasis to Regenerative Medicine
Fernández-Delgado N, Hernández-Ramírez P, Forrellat-Barrios M
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 200-216
PDF size: 161.94 Kb.
One of the fundamental basis of regenerative medicine is the therapeutic application of soluble factors involved in biological processes. In recent years, many investigations have shown the involvement of growth factors in the regeneration of different tissues. Platelets can be considered as biological pump or cocktail, due to their content in growth factors which are released by the platelet granules upon activation. For more than two decades, several researchers have reported the benefits of the use of growth factors derived from platelets in the repair and regeneration of different tissues, but in recent years its use has been extended with the employment of different methods for their collection in both, autologous and allogeneic platelets. The procedure for obtaining platelet factor is easy, quick and inexpensive and the results reported in most publications are encouraging, without any reported adverse reactions.
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