2009, Number 1
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Enfermería Universitaria 2009; 6 (1)
“Clinical skills learned by students of Nursing and Midwifery degree in nursing fundamentals, ENEO-UNAM”
Rodríguez JS, Cárdenas JM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 22-32
PDF size: 346.40 Kb.
Introduction; WHO´S priority programs on patient safety seek
promote optimal nursing practices and therefore reduce risks on
patients, Performed mainly by nurses, affiliated countries have
incorporated such programs in to their strategic health plans.
Following our graduates up we explore their perceptions on
the quality of health care in order to feedback and improve our
teaching programs.
Methodology: This is a descriptive study with a random
sample of 58 graduates. The instrument includes variables of
general character, academic background, professional performance,
working status, and options related to security and integral
care. It is applied by direct interview. Dates are analyzed
with descriptive and inferential statistical techniques.
Results: Graduates identify integral health care with patient
security which, among others procedures, is reflected by correct
medicine prescription and fall/ pressure sores absence. Coincident
with “CIE” declarations, they also highlight the impact of
work overload and hospital materials scarcity on error events.
Conclusions: Findings support the relevance of such priority
programs, and therefore the importance of nursing schools
and their graduates, in the achievement of WHO´S goals on
patient security
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