2012, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2012; 49 (3)
Temporomandibular dysfunction in late adolescence
Frías FLM, Nerey AD, Grau LCI, Cabo GR
Language: Spanish
References: 44
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Objective: To identify temporomandibular dysfunction frequency in 16 to 18 years-old students from "Roberto Labrada Ávila" high school and to describe signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction and their relationship to the gender among these adolescents.
Method: a cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study was carried out in 86 students ranging 16 to 18 years from "Roberto Labrada Ávila" high school during 2010. They were evaluated by using the Helkimo's clinical index to measure the frequency of temporomandibular dysfunctions. Demographic and social variables, signs and symptoms detected during physical examination were all evaluated. The collected data were statistically analyzed.
Results: In the study group, 69.8 % showed some temporomandibular dysfunction; the most observed sign was the functional disturbance of temporomandibular joint in 66.3 % of the students. The percentage of affected females was 67.5 % whereas that of males was 64.7 %.
Conclusion: The frequency of temporomandibular dysfunctions was high in the study sample.
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