2005, Number 3
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Med Crit 2005; 19 (3)
Sudden death in young athletes
Cruz ME, Hernández RME, Borja TB
Language: Spanish
References: 75
Page: 103-115
PDF size: 115.05 Kb.
Sudden death in young athletes related to sports, may be defined a sudden and unexpected event in which loss of vital functions occurring simultaneously within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms during or after exercise. Sudden death of a young, seemingly healthy, athlete is a dramatic event than devastates families and the community. It is a very uncommon, but often highly publicized, event. The incidence of sudden death in athletes under 35 years of age is reported to be about 1:200,000 to 1:300,000 athletes participating in organized sports. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most important cause of cardiac sudden death in young athletes (about 30% of deaths). Sudden death is unavoidable, however a decrease of its incidence is possible when adequate measures of prevention are applied.
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