2009, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2009; 6 (3)
The person concept; like determinant of the care
Jiménez TL, Ostiguín MRM, Bermúdez GA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 40-44
PDF size: 130.87 Kb.
In a constant review of the evolution of nursing knowledge,
Fawcet identifies four balanced components quoted by theory
4 elements as part of the met paradigm, which are: Person,
Care, Health and Surroundings. It’s important to notice that
the meaning of each of the concepts mentioned above is
influenced by the vision of the theory that is has defined it and
from the source these concepts come from.
That is why the evolution of the concept of person is reviewed
constantly in Mexico, influenced as well by its prehispanic
background, religious heritage and the development
of the concept as far as contemporary care is concerned
since the formal education of nurses took place in hospitals
at the end of the XIX century, the beginning of the XX century.
This evolution has a determinant impact in the vision of the
care and person, which focuses on the aliment, the biological
field and the skill, approach that has been determinant up to
the present.
Recently, there exist an interest in understanding the concept
of man in its individual dimension, in understanding him
as such, and transcend it to the humanization of the care, in
which quite a few new techniques have been developed and
integrated in other areas of knowledge. The proposal of this
essay is to get into these concepts in a deeper way from the
philosophy of the concept of person, to understand that all
the attention should be drawn to the individual, to help him
go beyond his expectancies.
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