2010, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2010; 48 (5)
Chest blunt trauma associated to myocardial infarction. Case report
Díaz-Méndez M, Vázquez-Cortés JA, Flores-Arenas JR, Rábago-Escoto RC
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 563-566
PDF size: 23.95 Kb.
Background: blunt chest trauma has become a
major health problem in the emergency room due
to the increase in the number of traffic accidents.
The Cardiac contusion is sufficient entity to cause
cellular damage and enzymatic electric effects.
Clinical case: 58 years old male, presented chest
pain secondary to direct trauma with irradiation to
left arm, accompanied by diaphoresis and dyspnea
which last 2 hours. Cardiac enzymes serum
levels were: CK 2017 CPKMB 381, DHL 823, AST
182; electrocardiogram reported: extensive ischemia
with extensive anterior subepicardial injury.
Conclusions: the patient presented without risk
factors for coronary disease. The possible mechanism
of injury was vasospasm despite the failure
to timely perform a coronary angiography which
is recommended in these cases. Tests such as
the electrocardiogram, measurement of isoenzymes
of creatinine phosphokinase-MB levels and
echocardiography can be useful and should be
performed in all patients with suspected cardiac
injury. Treatment modalities include percutaneous
coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass
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