2010, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2010; 48 (5)
The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for parents who have hospitalized children
Rojas-Carrasco KE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 491-496
PDF size: 32.58 Kb.
Background: anxiety is a normal response in everyday
life, when a person has a crisis like to have
an ill child, when normality is altered and it could
become a mental pathology. The purpose was to
obtain the validity and standardization of the STAI
(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) for parents who had
a hospitalized child in an intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: the STAI was applied to a group of 120
mothers and 90 fathers who had a hospitalized
child in the ICU in a pediatric hospital. The analysis
consisted of the assessment of the structural
properties of the test through the construct validity
found in the factorial analysis with a varimax
rotation by the principal component methods and
reliability by the Cronbach’s alpha.
Results: adequate factorial burdens were obtained
for both state and trait anxiety factors, initially proposed
by the authors. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients
in each subgroup and in the global were
established over 0.83: so the percentiles also were
reported. The structural validity was confirmed.
Conclusions: in this way the inventory and new
standards can be used with better reliability in this
type of sampling in subsequent and different clinical
research condition.
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