2012, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2012; 26 (2)
Neonatal pain relief. Meanings attributed by staff in a Neonatal Unit
Gallegos-Martínez J, Reyes-Hernández J, Betancourt-Esparza MC, Díaz-Oviedo A
Language: English
References: 24
Page: 90-95
PDF size: 105.96 Kb.
Every day neonates are exposed from 0 to 53 procedures. A third does not receive any analgesia even when 12 of the procedures are reported as very painful. We conducted a descriptive study of qualitative approach, using content analysis in the form of thematic analysis. The aim was to discover the meanings of neonatal pain from the health professionals in the Neonatal Unit of regional coverage. Through theoretical sampling, 14 professionals were selected. Results: 1.Causing a necessary pain. 2. Healing pain in the neonate. 3. Mother’s participation for pain relief. Conclusions: Neonatal pain is considered inherent in medical treatment and nursing. The ideas of analgesia to newborns admitted in the Neonatal Unit are related to the dominant paradigm in vocational training. It is necessary to educate and sensitize the medical and nursing community regarding the prevention and management of pain in newborns admitted in the Neonatal Unit.
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