2012, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (2)
Exterior therapy in children which cerebral pal and dysfunctions of the behaviour associated
Díaz MCE, Sánchez CY, Dunn GE, Montero TAL, Rodríguez BY, Méndez CA
Language: Spanish
References: 36
PDF size: 195.34 Kb.
In the children with cerebral palsy are the disturbances in the development of the posture, the movement and the associate negativism those that hinder our work and they cause a retard in the process of the boy's neuro-qualification with this affection. The present study was carried out with the purpose of contributing in the first place by means of a program of neuro-habilitation treatment to modulate the present negativism in these children as well as to allow a road to facilitate the habilitation process and in turn to stimulate the landmarks of the neuro development is absent in them. He/she was carried out a study of prospective experimental explanatory type of investigation applied according to the level of knowledge and the reach of the results, in the Service of Pediatric Rehabilitation of the National Center of Rehabilitation "Julio Diaz" Hospital in the period understood among May from 2007 to January of 2011. With the application of this program in 30 patients was achieved to the 8 weeks of treatment a moderate attention and the execution of simple orders in 23 patients; as for the landmarks of the neuro-development the same ones reached the pattern of four points, the one crawls alternating, the two points have more than enough knees and in 19 an unstable biped station was achieved without support. To the 12 weeks and culminated the treatment you achievement in 17 patients the stable biped station without support and in 12 an independent march. It was possible to modulate an spasticity grade in each patient for movement. In the 30 patients the dysfunction of behavior of type negativism was eradicated.
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