2012, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (2)
Malignant Neoplasia Behavior on Patients with Mental Illnesses from the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana
Barrios GE, Diaz TM, González GMA
Language: Spanish
References: 38
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Introduction: Literature shows a low rate of malignant process in patients with mental illnesses in comparison with the general population.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of cancer in a group of psychiatric patients.
Material and Methods: An analysis was carried out on 3836 autopsies done during 1970 -2010 and from 4537 content biopsies in the period from 1981 to 2010.
Patients were classified according to age, sex, location, type of cancer and its role in the cause of death. A statistical analysis of frequency was done and its results show different figures. It was used The International Classification of Diseases and Problems Related to Health (CIE-10).
Results: There were 314 deceased due to cancer and being the malignant lung tumor the most frequently (19,74%). There was prevalence in the masculine sex (320 patients) and the age of the group for both sexes was between 55 and 64 years (27, 08%). By means of performing biopsies were diagnosed 262 malignant tumors and being the one related to the skin the most frequent (56, 1%).
Conclusion: There is a low prevalence of cancer in the psychiatric patient, (8, 18%) in the necropsy study and being the lung adenocarcinoma the most frequent type in our series of autopsies follow by intraprostatic neoplasia (NIP) and the thyroids, meanwhile in the biopsies performed are the Skin Basocellular Carcinoma follows by the Mammary Carcinoma, and the ones located on lips, buccal cavity and cervix.
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