2012, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (2)
Analysis of the Kinesiotherapy in the Physiotherapeutic treatment of herniated cervical disk. Psychiatric Hospital of Havana, 2011
Hernández CD, Puentes MC, Méndez CA, Moirón VV, Domínguez GEL
Language: Spanish
References: 37
PDF size: 199.13 Kb.
The physical therapy results significantly on the treatment of herniated disk. Young person socially active are disable to carried out a normal life due to the symptoms provoked by this inter vertebral disk. The actual paper describes the effects of the kinesiology rehabilitating treatment on patients that has undergone a surgery and on patients that do not and suffering from herniated cervical disk. The majority were masculine patients and was significant the low cerviacalgy with topographic locations on C5-C6 and C6- C7. The 85% of the patients presented symptoms for more than a year. In all the patients it was done simple x ray and CAT with positive results. Electrotherapy was applied on all the patients being the base of the treatment with physical agents. There was a greater tendency to apply Kinesiotherapy in patients that did not have a surgery and this indicates that patients with a surgery were treated in a more traditional way. Even though a 85% of the patients presented pain relief, the two third parts present lack of strength and a significant amount of patients suffer from lack of sensitive and has dizziness, and the symptoms continue present in 19% of the patients. Data show that evolution in most of the patients is not ideal, without notable difference between patients that undergone a surgery and the ones that did not and the used treatment based on the use of physical agents more than Kinesiotherapy did not result totally effective.
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