2012, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (2)
Violent Behavior Description on Patients at Joaquin Albarrán Hospital
Mesa BM, Vazquez AY, Raola SME
Language: Spanish
References: 23
PDF size: 274.47 Kb.
Hypertension is a common disease in the adult population is considered a modifiable risk factor where the adoption of healthy lifestyles is essential to prevent blood pressure elevation and is indispensable as part of management of hypertensive patients. Several factors seem to determine the onset of hypertension as a study to identify some of the risk factors that influence frequently in patients suffering from Hospital Surgical Joaquin Albarran in 2009 which went through a case-control study, descriptive. The sample consisted of 73 patients who consented to participate. We selected a control group of 73 healthy individuals alleged 19 of clinic CMF Cristobal Labra, municipality of La Lisa. They were given a survey, analyzing each of the variables, which was calculated in absolute numbers and percentages. It was found that the hypertensive and the control group were workers, with individual wage and general input from 200 to 400 pesos in more than half in which the hypertensive patients had greater employment difficulties. Family life was fair, and poor in hypertensive patients at higher percentages than in the control group. Behaving more interpersonal relationship difficulties, sexual difficulties and marital instability in hypertensive patients. Hypertensive patients reported that their blood pressure change when presented with emotional tension, abandonment of treatment, and family problems where the control group did not say these problems. Psychiatric disorders were present in hypertensive patients, predominantly expressed as anxiety and depression. We conclude that the economic problems, a history of psychiatric disorders and emotional stress are major risk factors of hypertension in this population
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