2012, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2012; 55 (6)
Enteric fever in fastigium phase; epicritic notes on a necropsy case
Salazar MMF, Estrada HMR, Parraguirre MS
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 26-34
PDF size: 381.32 Kb.
Typhoid fever is a multisystemic disease of infectious etiology
with the gramnegative rod
Salmonella typhi as its causative
We present the case of a 19 year old woman who started
with fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea progressing to hepatic
insufficiency, acute tubular necrosis, rhabdomyolysis and
thrombocytopenia dying three days after hospital admission.
Autopsy findings were as follows: Peyer´s patches ulcers, necrosis
and inflammation of mesenteric lymph nodes, dotted
ulcers in colon, lung hepatisation, hepatic, splenic and renal
congestion, as well as purpuric lesions in mesencephalon
and pons. Microscopic examination revealed macrophage
clusters surrounding spots of necrosis (typhoid nodules) in the
next locations: arachnoid mater, brain parenchyma, lung,
liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow. These findings supported
a diagnosis of typhoid fever at fastigum stage.
Typhoid fever goes through 5 consecutive stages whose
morphological expression is product of several interactions
Salmonella typhi and the mononuclear phagocyte
system of its host.
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