2010, Number 4
No traumatic laboral accident risk in diabetic patient. View from the Spanish legislation
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 457-463
PDF size: 42.77 Kb.
The Spanish legislation includes the concept of industrial accidents and industrial damage since 1900, although since then in our country some legislative changes have been made, reaching the current Occupational Risk Prevention Law (ORPL) of 1995 and the legislation emanating from it. This is a controversial concept, if we talk about nontraumatic labour injury that carries consequences in the workplace, civil, criminal and contentiousadministrative disputes, and economic gains. It differs from others in both in qualifying risk and their benefits; the concept also exists in the other European Union countries and in different Spanish- American countries. Therefore the objective of the paper is to discuss the concept of traumatic industrial accident and non-traumatic labour injury in Spain from the point of view of our law and to establish in a future, benchmarks with professionals of other countries around us for enabling collaboration and joint improvement of safety and about the health of workers.REFERENCES
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