2012, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2012; 19 (4)
Psycho Educational Intervention in the Treatment of Obesity in a Health Center in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Villarreal PTE, Garza ET, Gutiérrez HRF, Méndez EE, Ramírez AJM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 90-93
PDF size: 278.48 Kb.
Objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of a psycho educational
intervention for the management of obesity.
Material and methods:
intervention study, randomized by the method of tombola (raffle). The
study included 60 women, attending a Family Medicine Unit, from 20
to 60 years of age with Body Mass Index (BMI)›27, and divided into
two groups: experimental and control. It was collected Anthropometric
data and the questionnaires applied were:
Food Frequency Questionnaire (ffq) and the
International Physical Activity Long Format
(ipalf), to assess eating and physical activity
habits before and after the intervention. It
was used the Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (spss) version 19 for Windows, the
t Student test was applied for basal evaluation
and the Wilcoxon before and after with
statistical significance of p‹0.05.
it was achieved a reduction in weight of 2.6
kg (p=0.0001), BMI 1.2 (p=0.0001) and in the
circumference of waist of 2.3 cm (p=0.001),
demonstrating the effectiveness of the psycho-
educational intervention, mainly based
on the increase of vigorous physical activity
rather than in improving their eating habits.
Conclusion: it was found that as a result of
the psycho-educational intervention there
were significant changes in weight, BMI and
waist circumference, having increased the
number and duration of physical activities,
rather than with the unique modification on
dietary habits.
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