2012, Number 1
Educational strategy to prevent STI/HIV/AIDS
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 32-43
PDF size: 212.69 Kb.
Sexually-transmitted infections constitute a serious health problem throughout the entire world, prevention and promotion of health must go beyond health frameworks to a responsibility of all the sectors of society. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out at "Capitan San Luis" council during 2010 with the purpose of determining knowledge levels about these sexually-transmitted infections to design an educational strategy (STI/HIV/AIDS). The target group involved all the population of the council already mentioned, and the sample 136 that was taken at random having both sexes, including people from 15 to 49 years old. The information was collected by means of the application of a questionnaire, designing an educational strategy from the results obtained, showing these results in tables to be analyzed by means of the descriptive statistics (absolute numbers and percentages). The population under study knew the main transmission ways of STI/HIV/AIDS, mainly through sexual relations; they recognized the benefits of condoms, but only a few of the sample under study use them, which matched with the low risk perception this population showed concerning these transmittable diseases. All these elements, regarding knowledge, attitudes and practices, allowed the design of an educational strategy to prevent STI/HIV/AIDS with information, education and communication actions.REFERENCES
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