2012, Number 3
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Rev Hematol Mex 2012; 13 (3)
Evidence-Based Medicine: What Is It About? Essay onIts Meaning and Suggestion of a New Name
Concha-Bermejillo F
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 143-147
PDF size: 512.16 Kb.
Evidence based medicine (EBM) is a misnomer for a real and innovative approach to handle medical information. The name by itself has produced a huge number of misunderstandings, especially among new students at medical schools and physicians with a weak background in recent Medicine History. Many of them tend to believe than EBM is the same concept as medicine sustained in the scientific method. Nothing more distant from the truth. Scientific method is an eclectic intellectual strategy to study and learn from natural phenomena. Scientific method arose in the seventeenth century and influenced clinical practice from the beginning. On the contrary, EBM, which appeared in the 1990s, should be called metacritic of medical literature. Its main distinctive feature is the use of web search engines and new and standardized methods to generate databases.
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