2012, Number 2
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (2)
Educative intervention on sexual transmission diseases in Medicine students. September 2011-February 2012
Larduet PA, Montoya MY, Sánchez FY, Ramos FMY
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 180.86 Kb.
An intervention-action study was carried out in the Health Faculty of "Centro" polyclinic, Ciego de Ávila, from September 2011 to February 2012, in order to evaluate the impact of an educative intervention on sexually transmitted diseases in the first year students of Medicine career, The study universe was constituted by the total of the first year students of Medicine career. For the obtaining of primary data it is applied an instrument and observation list before and after the educative program where aspects related to sexually transmitted diseases , symptoms, signs, diagnosis, subjects related to the promotion and prevention were valued. When concluding the educative program all know the concept diseases of sexual transmission, its symptoms, factors, identify the same one, their professors and the Doctor's office are pointed as the main information source and all were satisfied with the training programs. The absolute numbers and percentage were used to summarize the information and tables for its presentation.
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