2012, Number 2
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (2)
Educative intervention program to promote assertive conducts in elderly persons
Díaz FS, Camejo PYM, Díaz FBC
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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A pre-experimental study was carried out that constitutes an Educative Intervention Program that it proposes theoretical-methodologic elements optimal to promote the assertiveness in elderly persons. The work universe was corresponded to six grandparent’s circle of Work Basic Group (G.B.T.) #1 from Indalecio Montejo popular council of the North Area in Ciego de Avila. Initially an exhaustive bibliographical revision was carried out that allowed to construct the theoretical references of the program. Immediately it was crossed to diagnoses stage through the techniques: Focus group and interview. These elements allowed toelaborate a program and behavior to its application in a period of a year (May 2007-May 2008). During this time systematic evaluations for their improvement were done. The obtained results were positive given the significant difference of the assertive conduct increase, evident before the attitude changes of the group when arriving at the old age and to elevate the self-esteem of the greater adult and a low rate of familiar violence in this population group. The final evaluation was carried out from participative techniques. The results are offered in percents, they were appeared in tables and statistical analysis CHI- squared was applied.
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