2012, Number 2
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (2)
Visual rehabilitation in patients with macular degeneration associated with the age in elderly person from the provincial consultation of low vision in Ciego de Avila
Díaz DY, Morffi GE, Fernández PV, Peña HK, Pérez PCA
Language: Spanish
References: 57
PDF size: 194.64 Kb.
The visual rehabilitation in patients with macular degeneration associate with the age it improves the quality of life and it acquires relevance because it gives back independence to patients with very low visual acuity. In the present investigation a system for the visual rehabilitation was applied in elderly people with this condition in the low vision consultation of Ciego de Avila province. A retrospective and observational study was carried out in 32 elderly people with macular degeneration associate with the age. Frequencies and percent were calculated. A sample of 29 patients was obtained, and 75 years and the feminine sex had a greater percent of rehabilitation. The literacy was the most prescribed motivation, as well as the microscopes for close.
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