2012, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2012; 14 (2)
Electroencephalographic abnormalities in children with attention deficit disorder/ hyperactivity
Rojas DJM, Somano RAJ, Alba PLC, Mojena RM, Hernández TO, Jiménez MRM
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 478.89 Kb.
Background: disorder due to attention deficit with or without hyperactivity may generate low school output and at the same time there may coexist other entities, its identification has passed through different historical moments supported by other means like electroencephalogram helping to establish the diagnosis/prognosis.
Objectives: to describe the electroencephalographic activity behavior in a group of children with disorder due to deficit in the attention and to argue from a neuropsychophysiological approach the identified results.
Methodology: a descriptive study was carried out in an incidental sample of 25 children of both sexes between 6-12 years old diagnosed with (DDAH). An electroencephalographic register was done making used of the system 10/20.
Results: 76 % of the patients presented paroxistic changes, 78.9 % of them were low angular waves located in the frontal-center-parietal-temporal regions, 36.8 % were left and 47.4 were bilateral, the greatest indicative was the left one.
Conclusions: the presence of paroxisms is proved whose topography coincides with the control areas and behavior planning and reception, making and indictment of the information sustained by solid neuropsychophysiological arguments.
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