2012, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2012; 54 (5)
Malaria’s seroepidemiology in a group of migrants in transit (Chiapas, 2008)
Betanzos-Reyes ÁF, González-Cerón L, Rodríguez MH, Torres-Monzón JA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 523-529
PDF size: 206.26 Kb.
Objective. To know the prevalence of malaria and the factors associated with the infection in migrants in the southern border of Mexico, during 2008.
Materials and methods. In 706 migrants, active malaria infection was investigated using a rapid diagnostic test and PCR and past infection using serology. A questionnaire was applied to investigate the conditions associated to infection.
Results. 85.6% originated from Central America, none presented an active infection, although 4.2% were seropositive, most of these came from the countries with the highest malaria incidence in the region. Seropositivity was associated with the number of previous malaria episodes (
IC95% 1.04-2.00), years living in their community of origin (
IC95% 1.00-1.07), and knowledge and self-medication with anti-malaria drugs (
IC95% 1.48-7.67).
Conclusions. The previous exposure of migrants and the difficulties for their detection indicate the need of new strategies for the epidemiological surveillance for these populations.
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